Easter Experience (kids & students)
March 20th - 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Good Friday Service
March 29th - 7:00 pm

Easter Sunday
March 31st - 10:30 AM


Wednesday, March 20th, 6:30-8:30 PM

This experiential walk through of the easter story is for elementary, middle and high school students. Crosspoint Kids & Students will tase the passover, feel the cross, hear the nails, and sit by the fire as leaders guide them through the final hours of Jesus life before his death on the cross. A unique experience for young people.

Friday, March 29th, 7:00 PM

The cross was the instrument of torture and a symbol of death in the Roman Empire. 2,000 years later the cross is the christian’s symbol of new life through the savior. Let’s reflect on the final sacrifice that set us free from sin and death during this worship service